Twin lakes – Colombo lake

Sunday 2 June, Italian Republic Day.
Sunday, excursion day. We start in the direction of Carona and park near the La Pineta bar where the trail starts; once taken it is impossible to lose it or get confused with crossroads or anything else.
Furthermore, there are endless and very detailed guides that describe every single detail of each path. My intent is towards other horizons.

I decided to share my adventures for the thought that gives them birth and that accompanies them. The mountain is not a race for me, it is not a question of limits, it is not a question of numbers, peaks, meters of altitude gain or meters above sea level; going to the mountains is a pleasure, something I fear I will never be able to pass through my images; and this saddens me; for me to go to the mountains is to go, not to arrive, the goal is not the destination but the path, that state of mind in which you don’t think about what you have in the city, nor about what you have or will see once you arrive at your destination, to … to nothing else … to nothing. It’s a difficult stage to reach, especially when I’m in company. I love company in the mountains but it is like a filter applied to my mind that keeps me in some way anchored to civilization, to the rules of behavior, in other words that distracts me from that man-nature connection of which I speak. I have not invented anything new and indeed, I feel extremely trivial as I write these words, semi quoting Graham and other great ones. Yet what I write is truth, my truth. And it happens that it was shared by “wanderer” of which we now read diaries and books.
When you dive into nature you must be ready to leave the rest behind; not necessarily with contempt or in a negative sense, but you must be able to free your mind. Do not enter a wood and panff problems disappeared. The forest certainly helps but it is a complex process and your participation is essential.
The more I feel the need to go to the mountains, the more easily I connect with nature and the least I want to think of something else, such as photographing. And then I don’t pose the problem, I leave the camera in my backpack or shoulder strap and let myself go to the flow that takes me, rocks me and pushes me up the steep slopes without almost making me feel fatigue.
And that’s okay. The original reason for “going out” is this, photography is in the background. First my experience, then sharing it. And this is not for some form of selfishness but rather an ethic of truth. I do not share an experience that I myself have lived in half; first I enjoy it and then try to transmit something.

Packed lunch at the twin lakes and from there we leave again for the lake Colombo where the spectacle of the thaw awaits us.