Tiknil – Passion & Profession

ClientTiknil S.r.l.
SkillsPhotography / Compositing
Passion & Profession


Tiknil is a great team of young professionals! They mostly engineer apps and they’re really great at that! Also, they’re great because they follow their intuition and trends of modern times. They wanted to make a new website so they called me for the photographs. They needed both institutional headshots as well as more creative ideas. We spent several hours for several meetings briefing up and brain storming and we eventually ended up deciding to value THEM! What I mean we decided to differentiate them from the competion (a.k.a. a cold brainy studio of nerds) and show the real them to their clients. Their clients already know them in person so they thought it was a good idea to actually celebrate their other side, not only the professional one but also the passional one. 

Each of them picked his/her passion and we decided to show them both at the same time. 

We met in my studio with all the required equipment, partly brought by them for their own passions and we shot two photographs each. One showing the professional side with the shirt and the other one passion, with whatever it is they’re doing in their free time, whether it is rugby, sailing or motorcycling. 

They even decided to play a bit on their website and they uploaded the pictures so that you can see one or the other side when you are hovering on the image.

Here I posted them with the system of before/after so you can see in great detail the precision of post processing that went down in this project. It was an awesome project and I’m glad Tiknil made it happen!